The Dardanup Times is produced monthly by the Dardanup and Districts Residents Association and local volunteers.
It has been in distribution for 22 years and for the past seven has been printed in house using the Association’s photocopier, housed at the Dardanup Shire Office.
Almost 800 free copies are distributed via the Dardanup Post Office, with a limited number also made available for collection from the Dardanup General Store.
Readers from outside Dardanup pay an annual postage fee.
Support is provided by the Shire of Dardanup through an annual grant of $1,100 to help with purchase of paper while sponsorship from Wespine covers the cost of printing a 4-page coloured section.
News is regularly supplied by locals and volunteers assist with collation, production, printing and folding.
Please click the links below to see recent previous editions: