The Shire of Dardanup has two cemetery locations.
Dardanup Cemetery
The Dardanup Cemetery is located at 90 Garvey Road, Dardanup West.
The beautiful surrounds at the Cemetery offer a range of options for families, including Burial Plot, Rose Garden and Niche Wall facilities.

Click HERE for directions to Dardanup Cemetery
Ferguson Cemetery
The Ferguson Cemetery is located at Lot 3 Ferguson Road, next to the historical Ferguson Church (St Aidan's). The Cemetery holds a big part of the Shire’s history with burials dating back to 1881, telling a story of the generations that have resided here.
More information on the history of the Ferguson Church and Ferguson Cemetery can be found on the Ferguson Church – Dardanup Heritage Collective website.
The historical grounds at the Cemetery offer both Burial Plot and Niche Wall facilities for families.

Click HERE for directions to Ferguson Cemetery
Burials are usually carried out by a funeral director who will arrange every aspect of the burial service for the family and liaise with the Shire of Dardanup for burial locations, date and time.
Most graves in the Dardanup and Ferguson Cemeteries allow for two burials, one on top of the other.
An Application for Burial must be completed and received by the Shire of Dardanup at least 2 working days prior to the date and time of the burial. This application is for Funeral Directors only.
Funeral Directors must hold a licence issued by the Shire of Dardanup.
Burials must be conducted as per the Cemeteries Act 1986 and the Shire of Dardanup's Cemeteries Local Law 2022.
Reservations for Burial Plots are also available.
The Shire of Dardanup offers multiple spaces in our cemeteries for interment of ashes and memorialisation.
Single or double lots are available and we can assist you with the supply and design of a customised bronze plaque for your loved one.
Dardanup Cemetery
Ferguson Cemetery
Ashes may also be placed within existing graves provided that permission from the Grant of Right of Burial holder is given.
Reservations for placements can also be arranged.
The Shire of Dardanup's Cemeteries Local Law 2022 outlines the regulations and guidelines for Memorials, Monuments and Headstones within Dardanup and Ferguson Cemeteries.
All monumental works must be approved by the Shire of Dardanup, preferably through a monumental mason, prior to placement in the chosen Cemetery.
Monumental Masons must hold a Licence issued by the Shire of Dardanup.
All monuments in the Cemetery shall:
- be made of natural stone
- be placed on a base of natural stone
- comply with the following specifications:
- unless a greater height is approved by the CEO, the overall height of a monument above the original surface of the grave shall not exceed 1.2m
- the height of the base of the monument above the original surface of the grave shall not be less than 150 mm nor more than 450 mm
- the width of the base of the monument shall not exceed 1.2m
- the length of the base of the monument shall not exceed 2.4m
- the depth of the base of the monument shall not exceed 300 mm
- have foundations extending to the bottom of the grave unless concrete beam foundations are approved by the Board.
All headstones in the Cemetery shall:
- be made of natural stone
- be placed on a base of natural stone
- comply with the following specifications:
- the height of the base of the headstone above the highest point of the original surface of the grave shall not be less than 150 mm nor more than 200 mm
- the overall height of the headstone, including the base, shall not exceed 1.2 m
- the length of the base of the headstone measured across the width of the grave shall not exceed 1m
- the width of the base of the headstone shall not exceed 300 mm
- that part of a headstone above its base shall not extend horizontally beyond that base.
- have foundations extending to the bottom of the grave unless concrete beam foundations are approved by the Board.
Memorial Plaques
A memorial plaque placed in a cemetery shall:
- be made of admiralty bronze or any other material approved by the Board;
- if placed on a monument or headstone—not be less than the dimensions 140 mm width x 117
mm height, nor more than 560 mm width x 305 mm height; and
- if placed on any other memorial or in any other section of a cemetery—comply with the relevant
specification in Schedule 2 relating to that section of the cemetery.
A memorial plaque:
- made of admiralty bronze shall not exceed 20 mm in thickness;
- made of stone shall not exceed 50 mm in thickness; and
- shall be placed upon a standard concrete plinth with the relevant specification in Schedule 2 or a base mounting approved by the Board.
Grant of Right of Burial
A Grant of Right of Burial is a tenure agreement of a stated burial plot and is issued once a burial has taken place. This document is issued to a representative of the deceased, usually the Next of Kin who then becomes the grant holder (Grantee). The Grant of Right of Burial gives the Grantee the right to approve burials, inter ashes and erect a monument within the burial plot. The grantee can also deny any activity within the burial plot.
A Grant is issued for 25 years with the right of renewal for a further 25 years. It is important that the Grantee makes provisions in a legal document (e.g. their Will) to allow transfer of the Grant to another person to ensure their wishes will be carried out.
A Grant must be current if additional burials or ashes interments are to take place or for memorial work to be undertaken.
- Please treat all elements within the Cemeteries with dignity and respect
- Assistance dogs are welcome. Please leave your pets at home
Tributes on Memorials
- All tributes are to be contained within your plot
- Be respectful - ensure tributes do not encroach on another family’s memorial
- Non-conforming and/or deteriorated tributes may be removed and disposed of by authorised officers
- No trees or shrubs shall be planted on any grave or within the cemetery except such as approved by the Chief Executive Officer
Reservation and Burial Application Forms
Fees and Charges
2024-2025 Fees and Charges
For all enquiries please contact the Shire's Cemeteries Officer on 08 9724 0000 or via email records@dardanup.wa.gov.au.