Verges , Crossovers & Street Trees

Street trees
Rolling rural green hills, stunning bushland, beautifully landscaped parks, walkways and leafy streets means residents in the Shire of Dardanup connect with greenery as part of their local identity.
The value placed on connection to nature by the community was expressed and demonstrated during extensive consultation undertaken prior to development of the Strategic Community Plan 2018-2028 and more recently Vision 2050.
As a result, Objective 2 in the SCP is defined as:
“Maintaining a balanced respect for our natural assets and built environment while retaining our lifestyle values, community spirit and identity.”
Urban verges & landscaping
Road verges from part of the road reserve and are used to house infrastructure which services the wider community such as footpaths, drainage, electricity, sewerage, gas and telecommunications.
Maintenance of road verges in urban areas is the responsibility of the adjoining property owner, however road verges are controlled and managed by the Shire of Dardanup to ensure they are maintained in a presentable, safe and water wise state.
Guidelines for the landscaping of verges by property owners are outlined in Council’s Residential Road Verge Policy – CP057 and more detail about these guidelines is available to view by clicking the below button.
Residential Road Verge Policy
Road verges in residential areas maintained by the Shire of Dardanup include:
- Road verges adjoining public open spaces and reserves
- Road verges in front of community and public building owned by the Shire of Dardanup
- Eaton Drive except for the sections where properties have direct frontage to the road.
- Road verges adjacent to undeveloped land.
- Entry statements and landscaped features in estates.
Further guidelines for the maintenance of verges by the Shire are outlined in Council’s below Policy:
Maintenance of Verges by the Shire Policy – Infr CP117
Rural landscaping
Due to the higher speed of vehicles on rural roads and the risks associated with pedestrians and equipment being located in rural road verges, property owners and residents are strongly encouraged not to undertake landscaping along rural road verges without the appropriate clearances and safety precautions.
It is essential that the Shire of Dardanup is contacted to discuss the requirements and seek approval for any landscaping that is considered for a rural road verge.
Crossovers provide access from a constructed road across the road verge to private land.
Nearly all properties require a crossover for access from the road via a driveway to the house and/or building.
The Local Government Act and Regulations stipulates the requirements associated with crossovers and the Shire has a policy outlining the specification and inspection requirements for the construction of crossovers.
Shire approval must be obtained before a crossover is constructed. Please find below all the necessary information regarding crossovers, including an application form:
Crossover Information Sheet
Form 81 - Application Form - Crossover
Legislative Extracts for the Provision of Crossovers
Infr CP050 – Crossovers – Approvals, Standards and Subsidy