JDAP Applications

The Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) determines two types of applications:


If your application is for a development with an estimated cost of $7 million or more, it is mandatory for your application to be referred to the JDAP.

The only exceptions are if your proposed development is exempt from requiring JDAP determination.  Exempt developments include:

  • Applications for a single house with any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development
  • Applications for less than 10 grouped dwellings and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development and
  • Applications for less than 10 multiple dwellings and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development.


If your application is for a development with an estimated cost of between $3 million and $7 million, you have the ability to ‘opt-in’ and have your application referred to the JDAP.  The above exempt developments are also applicable in this instance.

If your application is to be referred to the JDAP, an application form and fee is required in addition to the Shire of Dardanup’s Planning Application Form and Fee.  The application forms and fees are available from the DAP’s website or can be downloaded below:

JDAP Application Fees

JDAP Application Form – Form 1

JDAP Amendment Application Form – Form 2