Local Planning Schemes

The Shire of Dardanup Planning Services Division assesses Planning Applications and Proposals against a series of Planning Strategies and Guides which have been endorsed by Council. The below provides more information on each or you can skip to detailed instructions on making a Planning Application.
Town Planning Scheme No 3 (TPS3)
Town Planning Scheme No 3 is the key document used to guide land use and development in the Shire of Dardanup. It specifies how the land may be used (zones) and developed and outlines the processes to be followed before development can occur.
The Scheme currently provides for the following zones:
- Residential, Development, Short-Stay Residential
- Tourist, Small Holding, General Farming
- Mixed Business, Business-Commercial, Mixed Use
- Light Industry, General Industry, Noxious and Hazardous
- School, Public Utilities, Recreation
- Other Community, Special Use, Additional Use
Each zone is colour-coded and its location/s can be found on the Scheme Maps.
The Scheme Text provides a range of development standards depending on the type and location of the development or land use.
Our expert Planners, apply the Town Planning Scheme to applications and proposals in conjunction with Scheme Maps, State Planning Policies and the applicable Local Planning Policies and Strategies.
Local Planning Scheme No 9 (LPS9)
The Shire has drafted a new Local Planning Scheme (LPS9) to replace the current Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (TPS3).
✅ Public advertising (submissions period)
February – May 2023
✅ Council considers submissions
27 September 2023
✅ Request for Ministerial approval
October 2023
- Advertised draft LPS9, submissions and schedule of modifications submitted to the Western Australian Planning Commission for consideration, requesting final approval by the Minister for Planning.
April 2024.
- Shire officers made a deputation to WAPC requesting Minister’s support for 27 September 2023 Council resolution
✅ Minister’s decision
29 May 2024
- Minister directed the Shire to make further modifications prior to final approval
✅ Council consideration of Minister’s direction
26 June 2024
⌛ Request Minister’s reconsideration
9 July 2024
24 October 2024
- Draft LPS9 from 26 June 2024 Council meeting sent to the Minister, requesting reconsideration
While the Shire is only currently able to determine development applications with consideration of the current TPS3, implications under the Draft LPS9 are given due consideration also.
Shire officers continue to liaise closely with State Government staff to achieve this and will provide further updates on this website in due course.
Residential design codes
Residential development is also controlled by the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes). The R-Codes provide requirements or guidelines on things like minimum lot sizes, setbacks, site coverage, open space and car parking – depending on the density code allocated to the lot (eg R20, R30 etc)
Main guiding documents
Town Planning Scheme No.3
Local Planning Policies
State Planning Policies
Greater Bunbury Region Scheme
Planning and Development Act 2005
Joint Town Planning Scheme Text
Joint Town Planning Scheme Map
Heritage Strategy 2013-2023
Planning Information Sheets Collection
Shire of Dardanup Local Laws
Bushfire Prone Areas
Liquor licence
Development Assessment Unit