Regional Event Grants

Photo courtesy of Andrew Bolton – ATB Photography
Up to $10,000 – Open all year.
Regional Event Grants are available to community groups, organisations and businesses who can demonstrate the capacity to run quality, well organised events with a regional attraction. Events should be held within the Shire of Dardanup and/or raise the profile of the Shire of Dardanup. The applicant must contribute at least 50 per cent of the total project cost from either the applicant’s organisation, or confirmed funding, or in-kind support from other sources. Regional Events Assistance grants will be open for application on an ongoing basis until the allocated funding pool of $25,000 has been exhausted.
Regional Event Grants are available for events that:
- Result in an economic impact to the Shire by way of increasing visitor numbers and expenditure
- Attract media coverage that raises the profile of the region as a tourist destination
- Involve and inspires the local community
- Improve the vibrancy and vitality of the Shire of Dardanup
- Support jobs creation
- Highlight and profiles the unique features of the place and/or Shire.
Apply now! Download Form 220D Application for Regional Event Grant