Future Dardanup Planning

What will the Shire of Dardanup look like in the future?
Strategically appointed and primed at State Government level as a premier catchment for Western Australia’s future urban and industrial expansion, the next 30 years will be a transformative time in the history of this traditionally-rural and picture perfect landscape.
Two key documents ensure future planning continues to align with Council’s mission:
“Provide effective leadership in encouraging balanced growth and development of the shire while recognising the diverse needs of the community.”
while providing both Council and the community with clarity on future directions.
Vision 2050
Vision 2050 defines the community’s character, values, aspirations and priorities for the future while providing a roadmap for guided and thoughtful planning that is transparent, informed and well supported. The document clearly defines what is important to the community (listed as 5 Aspirations) and demonstrates how these ideals and values will be preserved for future generations while aiming to make realistic and achievable the ideas generated during the consultation phase. Read the Vision 2050 document.
Local Planning Strategy
The Local Planning Strategy provides Council and the community with more detail on the vision and strategic planning direction for the Dardanup Shire over the next 10 to 15 years.
It was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 12 March, 2014 and will also guide the review of the Local Planning Scheme.
Preparation of the Local Planning Strategy considers all relevant State and Council plans and policies, including the local ‘sector-based’ commercial, tourism, cultural, environmental and rural strategies listed below.
The Local Planning Strategy is arranged in two parts:
Part A – Local Planning Strategy, which comprises:
- The vision of the Local Planning Strategy
- Local Profile (population projections, etc) and discussion on planning issues.
- Local Planning Strategy Map
Part B – Local Planning Strategy report, which comprises:
- The background to the development of the Local Planning Strategy
- Local profile and discussion on planning issues.
You can view the Local Planning Strategy HERE.
Plans and Guidelines
Eaton Fair Activity Centre Plan – June 2020
Draft Wanju District Structure Plan
Draft Waterloo Industrial Park District Structure Plan
Dardanup Townsite Expansion Strategy
Dardanup Townsite Expansion Strategy Map>
Burekup Townsite Expansion Strategy Report
Burekup Townsite Expansion Strategy Map