The Shire of Dardanup operates a 3-Bin FOGO system. Got questions about the FOGO?
Crooked Brook (south of Boyanup-Picton & Garvey Road intersection)
Picton East
Parts of Dardanup West
Ferguson Valley
Ash Court, Austin Street, Belvedere Crescent, Casuarina Street, Cedar Crest
Charterhouse Street, Coral Place, Diadem Street (1-38 & even numbers 40-58), Eagle Crescent, Elaap Street, Enniss Street, Foster Street, Graham Street, Hale Street (3-88), Hamilton Road (numbers 4-64), Hurst Street, Jacaranda Close, Lucretia Street, Mahogany Place, Millard Street (even numbers 2-46), Oak Court, Palm Court, Peppermint Way, Pratt Road (numbers 1-55), Rosebud Crescent, Scott Street, Short Street, Taylor Street, Tuart Place, Tulip Grove, Waratah Terrace & Woodbine Ridge
Abe Court, Acer Glade, Ali Court, Aralia Place, Aster Court, Bosberry Close, Calico Court, Claret Grove, Cordata Place, Cottonwood Gardens, Coverley Court, Crampton Avenue, Diadem Street (odd numbers 39-47), Dixon Place, Eaton Drive (even numbers 30-54), Edwards Place, Firethorn Place, Fowler Court, Fuchsia Gardens, Galen Close, Gorst Court, Hale Street (odd numbers 89-103), Hamilton Road (odd numbers 65-127), Harlequin Gardens, Hibiscus Court, Hough Place, Indigo Loop, Ivy Court, James Court, Lavender Way, Lavinia Place, Lofthouse Avenue, Malabor Retreat, May Place, Millard Street (odd numbers 3-45 & numbers 47-154), Montgomery Drive, Mulberry Grove, Pecan Lane, Sanford Way, Snowberry Mews, Velvet Grove, Vernon Place, Waxflower Place, Whitewood Close, Yeoman Close.
Alice Court, Archer View, Avon Gardens, Ballarat Court, Berkley View, Cadell View, Carbine Loop, Chamberlin Grove, Charnley Vista, Coen Close, Curtin Mews, De Grey Lane, Deakin Elbow, Dunham Link, Evolution Loop, Flinders Street, Gascoyne Circle, Greenough Place, Holroyd Gardens, Hotham Way, Hunter Circle, Illawarra Drive, Isaac Court, Isdell Gardens, Jardine Way, King Edward Way, La Trobe Street, Margaret Circle, Millbridge Boulevard (numbers 1-18), Monash Boulevard, Murchison Parade, Murdoch Crescent, Ord Close, Resolve Crescent & Swan Avenue.
Ambercombie Way, Adeline Drive, Apsley Circle, Beaufort Loop, Braddon Way, Broughton Way, Calder Court, Castlereagh Vista, Chestnut Boulevard, Clarence Crescent, Cygnet Court, Denison Link, Dorset Way, Duncan Loop, Dutton Way, Eleanor Way, Finlay Avenue, Flowerdale Court, Glenelg Drive, Hatfield Way, Hazelgrove Crescent, Hunter Circle, Jindalee Way, Kalang Way, Kanalla Avenue, Lila Way, Linden Way, Millbridge Boulevard (numbers 36-83), Myanore Way, Nepean Turn, Oldfield Street, Pascoe Way, Primrose Vista, Reuben Way, Robusta Road (even numbers), Surrey Link, Torrens Loop & Wilmot Court.
Dardanup East
Ferguson Valley
Albatross Crescent, Ann Street, Blue Wren Drive, Bobin Street, Brangus Place, Bryant Street, Butcherbird Court, Camfield Street, Cassowary Bend, Charolais Mews, Cormo Court, Cormorant Entrance, Council Drive, Cowin Gardens, Cudliss Street, Culling Grove, Dare Cove, Dove Cove, Eaton Drive (70-86), Emu Cove, Fantail Loop Finch Way, Frost Way, Gromark Gate, Hamilton Road (even numbers 68-120), Hands Street, Jersey Place, Karabair Close, Kelderman Elbow, Leake Street, Leicester Ramble, Lennard Street, Mustang Loop, Penninsula Lakes, Pigeon Court, Pratt Road (numbers 59+), Recreation Drive, Shepherd Retreat, Solomon Street, Stanton Street, Wagtail Brace & Watson Street
Appaloosa Court, Arabian Gardens, Bradford Loop, Breton Way, Charbray Way, Cheviot Way, Cleveland Bay, Clydesdale Drive, Coopworth Link, Falabella Crescent, Friesian Way, Galloway Bend, Glenhuon Boulevard, Hereford Place, Holstein Drive, Limousin Turn, Lipizzaner Turn, Lusitano Avenue, Morgan Court, Palomino Close, Peninsula Lakes, Perendale Loop, Pinto Close, Polwarth Circuit, Robusta Road (odd numbers), Romney Way, Ryeland Avenue, Salers Close, Shetland Place, Simford Avenue, Sindhi Close & Wandoo Way.
See the link below for the Rubbish & Recycling Collection Calendar.
There is a wealth of tips and information to help with improving your recycling habits on the Watch Your Waste website.
You can drop off bulbs, bottle tops and batteries to one of our 5 Community Recycling Stations.
A monthly e-waste collection service is also available in Eaton and Dardanup.