Designing a City from the ground up is an Opportunity like no other.
Imagination, creativity and innovation are driving objectives to create a City unlike anything that already exists in the surrounding area.
- 9 State Primary Schools
- 3 State Senior High Schools
- 2 co-located Private Primary and High Schools
Schools in Wanju are proposed once the growing population reaches a size that requires them.
Multi-storey school buildings will be strongly encouraged to maximise available space for grassed playing fields to be shared with the surrounding community.
Links to the network of multi-use green corridors will encourage students to walk and ride to school.

Employment and Business
Town Centre: Intersection of Baudins Boulevard & Clifton Boulevard
- 70,000 sqm of retail space
- 70,000 sqm of commercial space
- Variety of uses – commercial, retail, servicing, community, entertainment, health, recreation and residential.
Significant employment and business opportunities within Wanju are critical to achieving the aspired ‘live and work locally’ lifestyle.
Employment will be concentrated in the Town and Local centres and will be boosted by the close proximity of Waterloo Industrial Park to be located immediately to the south of Wanju and subject to its own District Structure Plan set for public consultation later in 2016.
The Wanju Town Centre will be a significant sub-regional centre within the greater Bunbury region.

Creative and innovative in its design, forward-looking and sustainable.
From the ground up, planning for Wanju will respect and enhance the natural environment providing more opportunities for residents to connect with the outdoors while creating a community around a consistent theme of energy efficiency.
Ribbons of green flow throughout Wanju in a criss-cross network of ‘multi-use’corridors designed to perform a range of ecological, recreation and surface water management functions.
The Collie River and Millars Creek foreshores will be retained and enhanced and will form a significant aspect of the corridors.
From water management to building construction to street layout, the latest techniques and technology available will be applied at every opportunity to ensure a resilient future.

Future residents of Wanju will have the opportunity to live, work, shop, play, socialise, learn and be looked after all within a short distance.
There’s much less time spent in the car because it’s easier and more fun to just walk or ride a bike along the criss-cross network of scenic green multi-use corridors.
Read more
about the multi-use corridors in the draft Wanju District Structure Plan.

Abundant access to nature, outdoor sports facilities and recreational opportunities create a quality of life with vitality, identity, community connection and a sense of place.
In Wanju, 300 hectares is dedicated to public open space and is divided into:
- Sport space
- Nature space
- Recreation space
- Linear open space
State school playing fields will be shared with the community outside of school hours.

20,000 new homes covering a total of 541 hectares in the town centre, local centres and residential areas.
Diversity of housing but with an emphasis on multi-storey and higher densities than those in nearby communities, delivering more sustainable outcomes to the future.
Innovation in design and building materials will be encouraged to further accentuate positive environmental outcomes.

Strong connectivity to the rest of greater Bunbury and north-south, east-west highway links will be delivered to residents of Wanju by the Bunbury Outer Ring Road (BORR).
In the future, as Wanju develops, there is potential for a Perth-Wanju fast train service.
In the early stages, provision has been made for a proposed Wanju train station on the ‘Australind’ line.