Shire of Dardanup - Youth Advisory Group.

 yag header

Want to create change in your community?

The Shire of Dardanup Youth Advisory Group (YAG) is a group of local young people aged 12-24 years who meet up throughout the year to plan school holiday activities, get involved with community events and do various things to make the Shire of Dardanup a better place for young people.

The aim is to provide young people in the Shire of Dardanup with the opportunity to share their ideas, skills, views and contributions with their communities and Council.

By joining the YAG you will gain experience in things like community engagement, event management and community development.

The YAG also provides feedback and recommendations to Council on issues relating to young people in the Shire.

It’s fun, great for your CV and a good excuse to meet new people.

Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 4pm-5pm at the Eaton Community Library. 

Youth Advisory Group requirements:

  • Be aged between 12 and 24 years of age
  • Lives in the Shire of Dardanup
  • Have an interest in wellbeing of young people, youth events and activities, leadership and helping other people in the community
  • Have the ability to work in a team, respect others and participate in group discussions
  • Be inclusive of the needs of all young people within the community
  • Have an ability to think about the big picture
  • Bring motivation, willingness and commitment to participate on an ongoing basis
  • Be willing to be actively involved in conversations and contribute to discussions
  • Be prepared to undertake some training and personal development
  • We encourage young people who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, culturally and linguistically diverse, people with disability, members of the LGBTIQ+ community to take part!

Benefits of being involved:

  • Meet other young people passionate about youth wellbeing, services and events
  • Develop skills in team building, leadership, organising and advocacy
  • Help plan youth activities and projects and provide input on infrastructure, town planning, service design and development projects
  • Leadership pathways and training available
  • Participation in combined Youth Advisory group events with surrounding Shire representatives - fun interactive activity days throughout the south west

If you’re interested in getting involved simply apply below! 

Your commitment to YAG:

The YAG will meet monthly at the Eaton Shire Council Chambers, the option to Zoom into the meeting is available for all members.

Additional meetings may be organised and have the potential to be hosted in Burekup, Dardanup or Eaton at the discretion of the Place and Community Officer with the agreement of the members of YAG.

Communication is key with this group. It is the YAG members responsibility to keep in touch with the team via the required communication tools, such as text and email.

Each YAG member will be required to take part in a minimum of six meetings per year, unless an alternative has been discussed with the Place and Community Officer.

If you have any queries or want to talk through the process, please do not hesitate to contact the team on or on 9724 0392


Navigate through the different form sections using the navigation on the left, or use the next/previous buttons located at the bottom of each step.

I declare that I am between 12 and 24 years of age and agree to Youth Advisory Group expectations listed on the website*This field is required.
Parent/Guardian by selecting yes you give consent for the applicant to participate in the Shire of Dardanup Youth Advisory Group*This field is required.

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