Lost Animals

The best way to be reunited with a lost pet is for the owner to ensure it is registered and microchipped and it is kept up to date. A name tag with a contact phone number is also recommended.

If your pet is lost, check with your neighbours, your local veterinary clinic, local animal shelters, surrounding local governments and Ranger Services. Ranger Services keep a Lost Animal register and will be able to reunite you with your pet when they are located.

Ranger Services will contact the owner of a lost pet if they are able to identify them so it’s important to make sure registration and microchip details remain current.

If you find a cat or a dog please contact Ranger Services so we can assist to reunite it with its owner.

Ranger Contact Details

P:    08 9724 0307 (24 hours)


Ranger hours: 8am – 4.30pm Monday - Friday

Outside of office hours, your call will be diverted to a call centre operator who will pass your contact details to a Duty Ranger if necessary.

Rangers will attend to emergency after-hours matters only.