What is STRA?
Put simply, a dwelling provided on a commercial basis under a short-term rental arrangement for occupation by guests for no more than 3 months in a 12-month period. See ‘Legal Definitions’ for more.

STRA can be in:
- granny flats (called Ancillary Dwellings), caravans on the same lot as a primary residence, and tiny houses
- houses, units, townhouses
- bed and breakfasts
- individually managed premises

STRA is not:
- Holiday homes that are only shared with family and friends
- Hotels (including Apartment Hotels) and Motels
- Caravan Parks and Residential Parks, glamping, lodging houses (e.g. backpackers’ accommodation)
- Premises used exclusively for workforce, student or crisis accommodation
- Permanently rented premises, or premises rented out for more than 3 months in any 12-month period
'Hosted STRA' - v - 'Unhosted STRA'

Hosted STRA is where the owner/usual resident of the dwelling (the accommodation ‘host’) lives onsite during the visitors’ stay.

Unhosted STRA is where the owner/resident is not residing onsite the dwelling during the visitors’ stay.
Up to 12 guests have exclusive use of the house, unit or apartment.
Legal Definitions
The following definitions apply under the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
short‑term rental accommodation —
- means a dwelling provided, on a commercial basis, for occupation under a short‑term rental arrangement; but
- does not include a dwelling that is, or is part of, any of the following —
- an aged care facility as defined in the Land Tax Assessment Act 2002 section 38A(1);
- a caravan park;
- a lodging‑house as defined in the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911 section 3(1);
- a park home park;
- a retirement village as defined in the Retirement Villages Act 1992 section 3(1);
- workforce accommodation.
short‑term rental arrangement means an arrangement under which —
- a dwelling, or part of a dwelling, is provided for occupation by a person; and
- the person occupies the dwelling, or part of the dwelling, for a period or periods not exceeding a total of 3 months in any 12‑month period.
hosted short‑term rental accommodation means any of the following —
- short‑term rental accommodation where the owner or occupier, or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily resides at the dwelling, resides at the same dwelling during the short‑term rental arrangement; or
- short‑term rental accommodation that is an ancillary dwelling where the owner or occupier, or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily resides at the other dwelling on the same lot, resides at that other dwelling during the short‑term rental arrangement; or
- short‑term rental accommodation that is a dwelling on the same lot as an ancillary dwelling where the owner or occupier, or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily resides at the dwelling, resides at the ancillary dwelling during the short‑term rental arrangement.
unhosted short‑term rental accommodation means short‑term rental accommodation that —
- is not hosted short‑term rental accommodation; and
- accommodates a maximum of 12 people per night.
Does my STRA need Shire approval?
Hosted STRA:
Development Approval (DA) is not needed to use an existing dwelling for Hosted STRA under the new legislation right across WA. There is no maximum period for using a dwelling for Hosted STRA, however each guest stay can be no longer than 3 months in a 12-month period.
Unhosted STRA:

If you have any questions regarding the Development Approval process, please contact the Shire’s planning team.
Mandatory Registration (Statewide STRA Register)
All STRA – whether it needs Development Approval (DA) or not – must be registered on the STRA Register. This is an online system operated by Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS). You cannot offer Unhosted STRA without being registered.
Once you have lodged a DA application for Unhosted STRA you will be provided with a reference number. This will start with “DAP-F” followed by numbers.
Once you have this, you can update this information into the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register found on the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety’s website.
Owners or tenants will need to create an account and then register the property. If you have someone else managing your property you will then be able delegate responsibility to them only if that person or organisation has an account. This will then enable you to register as a “Processing Application” and to continue to advertise on accommodation platforms.
Registration fees: initial registration fee $250.00; annual renewal fee $100.00
Register enquiries? Please direct any questions regarding the STRA register to the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS)
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