About Council Meetings

Council meetings
The Shire of Dardanup Council meets on the last Wednesday of every month. Council meetings commence at 5.00pm.
A schedule of meetings can be found HERE
The meetings are held at Shire of Dardanup – Administration Centre Eaton, 1 Council Drive, Eaton.
Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings as observers or to comment on matters before the meeting.
General information
You can come and go from the meeting whenever you wish.
If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the Shire.
You can follow the progress of the meeting and items being discussed by referring to the Agenda provided for the public at the meeting.
Should you require information prior to the meeting, agendas are available for perusal at the Administration Building from 4.00pm on the Friday preceding the meeting. Agendas and Minutes can also be accessed HERE.
Public question time
It is requested that you fill out the Public Question Time form advising your name and address and provide a brief written outline of the question you wish to ask, prior to the meeting.
Please hand this form to the minute secretary prior to the meeting (Total time for your question is restricted to 3 minutes).
“Public Question Time” is listed as an item at the beginning of the agenda and at the end. At these points in the meeting, the Chairperson will ask those members of the public present whether they have any questions.
You may stand up, state your name and address, and proceed to ask questions relevant to any item on the agenda.
Please note that if you wish to make a formal statement or presentation either For or Against a particular item in which you are personally involved or represent an action group, you must follow the guidelines below.
How to formally address the Council
(Where you have been invited in writing to speak, or where you have given notice prior to commencement of the meeting of your desire to speak):
Advise the Minute Secretary prior to commencement of the meeting that you wish to make a formal presentation. The Minute Secretary will inform the Chairperson so that he knows to call upon you to speak at the appropriate time.
If a number of people wish to speak on a specific issue, the Chairperson will request any interested groups present to determine one spokesperson from amongst them. If you have arranged to speak at a meeting, it is important to arrive on time.
If you arrive at the meeting after the item on which you wish to speak has been dealt with; the Chairperson cannot permit further discussion on the issue at the meeting.
All speakers should be brief and to the point and provide any information that may assist the Council. At the conclusion of your address, Council members may ask questions of you in order to clarify any matter relevant to the discussion. Help them to help you – be brief, factual and relevant.
As you are called on by the Chairperson, state your name and address, your objective and whether you agree or disagree with the officer recommended resolution shown at the end of the agenda item in question.
You must speak through the Chairperson at all times. This means you cannot speak directly to any one Councillor or staff member. No debate will be permitted at this meeting between members of the public and Councillors or staff.
Disturbing meetings
No person shall interrupt, disturb, or disrupt any meeting of the Council. Upon direction of the Presiding Officer, any such person shall leave the Council Chambers and the Shire Building.