Facilities for Hire

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The Shire of Dardanup provides a range of facilities. Some may be hired directly with the Shire of Dardanup while others can be arranged via the facility lessee.




Dardanup Sporting and Community Centre

Dardanup Sporting and Community Centre

Wells Recreation Reserve, Ferguson Rd, Dardanup WA 6236

For Booking Enquiries Contact: Jill Cross

Phone: 0418 281 201

Dardanup Community Centre

Dardanup Community Centre

9 Little Street, Dardanup WA 6236

(small groups and children’s parties)

For Booking Enquiries Contact: Foster Families South West

Phone: 0499 089 823

Email: fosterfamilies_southwest@yahoo.com.au


Burekup Hall

Burekup Hall

Russell Road, Burekup  WA  6227

(Corner Russell Road and Gardiner Street)

Preferred method of booking is via email Attention: Facilities Hire

For Booking Enquiries Contact: Damien Bolton

Phone: 0415 924 603

Email: burekupcountryclub@gmail.com


Ferguson Hall

Ferguson Hall

988 Ferguson Road, Ferguson  WA  6236

For Booking Enquiries Contact: Robyn Jones

Phone: 0468 576 950

Email: bse7@bigpond.com

Reserve or Park Hire

For Booking Enquiries Contact: Shire of Dardanup

Phone: (08) 9724 0000

Email: records@dardanup.wa.gov.au 

Form 188B - Book a Reserve or Park