Slater's Corner

Slater’s Corner recognises the contribution and influence to the early settlement of Eaton by Percy and Lylia Slater.
Dardanup Shire Council agreed at its June, 2021 meeting to commemorate the couple’s contribution with installation of a sign on Eaton Foreshore.
Percy and Lylia operated the Slater’s Corner Store on the corner of Pratt Road and Old Coast Road for 25 years between 1964 and 1989. The business is now operated by Caltex, but is still commonly referred to by many residents as “Slater’s”.
Percy was the local Postmaster, a Justice of the Peace and served as the Eaton and Australind Fire Control Officer. He was awarded Life Membership of both the Eaton Bushfire Brigade and the Eaton Australind Fire and Rescue Service for his dedicated service to the community.
In 1964, Percy was involved in discussions with local MP at the time June Craig seeking improvements to the swampy banks of the Collie River that would allow for creation of a recreational foreshore area for the community.
As the local agent for developers TM Burke, Percy also facilitated the purchase and sale of several significant parcels of land in Eaton.
Percy and Lylia were passionate contributors to their growing community and over the years as local business owners supported many groups through sponsorship.
Lylia passed away in 2006 and Percy in 2020.