Tree Management Policy

The impact of 100 trees over 40 years on energy savings, air quality, health benefits and positive commercial outcomes has been calculated at $225,000! – (McPherson et al., 2002)
Rolling rural green hills, stunning bushland, beautifully landscaped parks, walkways and leafy streets means residents in the Shire of Dardanup connect with greenery as part of their local identity.
The value placed on connection to nature by the community was expressed and demonstrated during extensive consultation undertaken prior to development of the Strategic Community Plan 2018-2020 and more recently Vision 2050.
As a result, Objective 2 in the SCP is defined as:
“Maintaining a balanced respect for our natural assets and built environment while retaining our lifestyle values, community spirit and identity.”
> Read more about the benefits of trees here.
Tree Management
The Shire of Dardanup is responsible for managing trees located on the road reserve, Crown land or other land that is under the care, control and management of the Shire. This includes, but is not limited to, the inspection, maintenance, removal and/or replacement of trees.
Despite the widely recognised environmental, amenity, health and social benefits of trees, sometimes their impact on safety and/or maintenance of assets like roads and paths, or impact on private property require solutions to be investigated.
Tree Management Policy
As well as informing Council’s responsibilities in relation to trees under its management, the Shire of Dardanup Tree Management Policy assists community members with queries about locally significant trees, tree maintenance and street trees.
Click to read the Shire of Dardanup Tree Management Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I remove a street tree?
Residents and ratepayers are not permitted to remove or prune trees on reserves or land under the care, control and management of the Shire of Dardanup. Penalties apply.
This includes a Shire-managed tree that has fallen onto private property as a result of a weather event.
To request removal of a tree or pruning of a tree, please ensure that your request meets the conditions of the Tree Management Policy and apply in writing using the appropriate below Application Form. Trees will not be removed or modified for the following reasons, unless in extenuating circumstances as approved by the Chief Executive Officer:
- Leaf debris and any arboreal windborne material
- Leaves, nuts, fruiting bodies, bark, roots
- Shading of solar panels
- Aesthetics and views
- Fauna, including insects, birds and mammals.
Tree Removal Request Form
Tree Pruning Request Form
What species of tree does the City plant?
Street tree species selection requires careful consideration of many factors. The Shire of Dardanup has assessed a broad range of trees and compiled a list of suitable species for use as street trees.
How can I request a tree?
Residents can request for a tree to be planted on the verge abutting their property through the Shire’s Tree Request Program. The Shire will assess the suitability of the verge, determine the tree species and the location to align with services and infrastructure. The Shire is responsible for planting, staking, mulching, watering and pruning the tree. Tree plantings occur each winter.
Please apply in writing using the Shires Tree Request Application Form
New Tree Request Application Form
Is there a register of locally-significant trees?
The Shire of Dardanup is committed to the preservation of locally significant trees and keeps a register of these trees and manages them appropriately.