Development Assessment Unit

The Development Assessment Unit is a working group of Shire technical officers tasked with ensuring that development applications are determined in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with the assigned delegations.
What is the Development Assessment Unit (DAU)?
The delegated powers and duties of Council to the Chief Executive Officer are listed in the Instrument of Delegation Register. Delegations are exercised in accordance with delegation granted in terms of Section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995 as amended or other statutes as applicable to specified officers.
The determination of development applications are sub delegated to the Director of Sustainable Development, Manager of Development Services, Principal Planning Officer and Senior Planning Officer and/or Planning Officer (as conditioned).
To ensure that such development applications are determined in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with the assigned delegations this policy details the operation and functions of the DAU.
A number of other approvals, licences and/or permits are issued by other operational areas at the Shire under relevant local laws and Regulations. Such matters, while not determined at DAU, are listed for discussion to ensure that appropriate comments across the Shire’s operational areas are taken into account before determination of such matters.
Note: DAU does not make determinations on applications but does make a recommendation to the delegated officer, or Council in assessing the application. Determination is made in accordance with delegated powers listed in the Instrument of Delegation Register or by Council if required.
When does the DAU meet?
The DAU meets on Wednesdays at 8.30am, subject to change by the chairperson.
How does the DAU work?
The Shire of Dardanup Local Planning Policy – Development Assessment Unit outlines how the DAU operates.
- SDEV CP503 – Local Planning Policy – Development Assessment Policy here
DAU Minutes
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