Published on Thursday, 9 June 2022 at 8:49:00 AM
The 2022/23 Burekup cricket season is looking bright with a $12,500 upgrade to the town’s cricket pitch almost complete.
The project has been achieved following work by Burekup Cricket Club to attract $7,500 in funding via Cricket Australia’s Grassroots Cricket Fund and the Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund plus a top-up of $5,000 from Dardanup Shire Council.
Plans to upgrade the pitch were listed in the Burekup Community Facilities Plan as a “possible longterm project” but has been achieved sooner than anticipated thanks to the grant funding.
Club President Nathan King said improvement works have included removing old concrete, installation of new concrete, reticulation upgrades and levelling of sand around the pitch.
Once the new concrete has cured, fresh carpet will be laid to complete the project.
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