2025 Youthfest Showcase of Possibilities Exhibition in the Make-It Space

We're looking for local creators and makers to exhibit items at the Mick Bennett Make-It Space during YouthFest on 12 April 2025.

The objective of the exhibition is to spark interest about creative possibilities for the Make-It Space, to showcase what community members have been making, and to connect young people with other makers and creatives.

Items can include, but not limited to: 3D printed objects, textiles and sewing, laser-cut items, digital animations, computer games and media productions.

Exhibit items do not need to be made at the Space. They can be made using similar tools or equipment available in the space. Visit our website and FAQ for more information about the Mick Bennett Make-It Space, including equipment available and how to become a member.

Exhibitor Details

Please enter current contact details below.
If you have any trouble filling out this form, please get in touch at make-it-space@dardanup.wa.gov.au.

How did you hear about this exhibition?

Please include the following details in the description of your work: dimensions, materials used, construction techniques and tools used. If you have used any recycled or upcycled materials, we'd love to know. Photos can be uploaded at the end of this section.

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mp4, .mpeg, .pdf, .png

Exhibition Details and Disclaimer

Delivery and collection of exhibition items are the responsibility of the exhibitor.
Items must be delivered to and collected from the Mick Bennett Make-It Space during opening hours listed below. If you require alternative arrangements, please email make-it-space@dardanup.wa.gov.au.

DROP OFF TIMES: from 3pm Thursday 13 March – 8pm Thursday 10 April 2025.
COLLECTION TIMES: from 2pm Saturday 12 April – Saturday 3 May 2025.

Tuesdays 3pm-8pm
Thursdays 3pm-8pm
Saturdays 10am-3pm

Whilst the Mick Bennett Make-It Space ensures all due care will be taken for items stored and exhibited in the Space, exhibitors acknowledge that items are exhibited at their own risk. The Shire of Dardanup accepts no responsibility for theft or damage of exhibited items. Items will only be accessible to the public during the exhibition from 10:00am-3pm, Saturday 12 April 2025. Items will be stored in a lockable area whilst not on display. Exhibitors are encouraged to collect items as soon as possible after the exhibition.

Don't forget to click SUBMIT at the end of this form. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission.

Exhibitor Attribution*This field is required.

Would you like to have your name displayed next to your item or prefer to remain anonymous?

Photography permission*This field is required.

Do you give the Shire of Dardanup permission to photograph you and/or your display to use for promotional purposes?