Red Tail Black Cockatoo Mural
Artist: Brenton See
Year completed: 2019
The Forest Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, is a large bird native to South Western Australia. The South West Subspecies has large bright red tail feathers on the underside of their tails. They can be found much of the day feeding on many different tree species, in particular the Karri, Jarrah and Marri nuts and also like large nuts of introduced pine trees which they prise open with their very strong beaks. The birds pair for life, and both work to raise young and can live upwards of 60 years. You often see a breeding pair with their young feeding together in groups of 3 or more. Their populations are declining due to habitat loss as they need very large nest hollows in old trees to raise their large young which take many months to fledge. At dusk, flocks of the red tailed black cockatoo are often seen flying high, returning from their feeding areas to roost in very large trees along the banks of the Collie River.